DA Varicool silage additive for maize and wholecrop combines the benefits of MTD/1 inoculant and potassium sorbate preservative. It allows you to apply the inoculant and preservative separately for maximum flexibility.
Whilst it is important to treat the whole clamp with the MTD/1 inoculant at the same rate to increase the speed and efficiency of fermentation, the potassium sorbate preservative can be applied separately at different rates depending on the risk of aerobic spoilage. You could use a single rate of sorbate across the whole clamp or you could, for example, apply it at three times this rate only on the last third going into the clamp where there is a higher risk of aerobic spoilage. Clamps are not uniform, the top, shoulders and face of the clamp are most at risk of aerobic spoilage because air must be present. At feedout, although the whole face is exposed to the air, the risk of aerobic spoilage is much higher at the top as silage density is lower and air penetrates further into the clamp.
Please note the use of silage additives cannot be expected to overcome poor silage making practices, highly adverse weather conditions or unsatisfactory feeding-out procedures.