Ecocool is for use with forages that are at risk of aerobic spoilage, eg high DM grass, wholecrop cereals and maize. It provides you with two specially selected unique bacterial strains in a single product – Lactobacillus plantarum strain MTD/1 for a fast, efficient fermentation and Lactobacillus buchneri strain PJB/1 for reduced heating and spoilage at feedout.
– MTD/1 dominates the initial fermentation, producing a faster, more efficient initial fermentation. This makes better use of available sugars, preserves more nitrogen as true protein, reduces fermentation DM losses and minimises undesirable microbial activity
– PJB/1 inhibits the activities of the yeasts and moulds that cause aerobic spoilage of silages, reducing heating and DM losses to give higher energy feed with less risk of mycotoxins
Please note the use of silage additives cannot be expected to overcome poor silage making practices, highly adverse weather conditions or unsatisfactory feeding-out procedures.